

Sprinq Break 09' is approachinq quickly & as i was brushinq up on my karmaloop "newbies" I came upon "The All In One Jumper" by adidas.

looks mad comfy &+ i can picture meh lounqinq on tha beach w/ it on haha..


dayuum its definitely qettin outraqeous. nt 18 yet bt two of my closest friends are so we celebrated tonite. qot home aroundd 3ish l0l. went to a party and all I could think was my ex\current siqnificant other and it hurts. Im jss not qettinq wat he wants from meh, I would pretty much qive up evrythinq I have for him. Which is how much I adore and cherish him. *daydreamin of Alfalfa on Little Rascals w the flowers sayin, "She loves meh [daisy petal falls], she loves meh not.." U knw the rest. :\


First postinq; @ the besties house chattin about lifee.. &+ uhmm decided to make a bloq.. so here we qo;;

=] sweet 16.

*couqh couqh; [one in the pink] okie dokie 16. stunninq. modelesque. amazinqq. infatuated w/ love. poetress. aspirinq writer. dapper.

Music is deff. my life i've been tld I have the swaqq of a NY qrl [props to the commenters :D ] bt i'm a 90'Z fl bby.. uhmm current musical inspirations;

John Leqend, Kanyeee, Cool Kids, Gym Class Heroes, Lily Allennnn, Estelle.
avid banqer of the aboveee; &+ my fave sonq is "Flashinq Liqht"- enuff said.