Life has definitely had an amazing transformation , it's amazinq what vaccuming and dusting my room can do ; it truly gave me clarity of mind ! Last nite was full of great times w/ my lovesssss !
la la la ,, Kamarrrrrrr I got to see you it made me mad happy and last nite we had a deep convo l0l . full of wtffff moments ..
** i'm so proud of my Stefane , Marshay , Kamar , Jashari , Gabby and Sam for graduating !! :)
la la la ,, Kamarrrrrrr I got to see you it made me mad happy and last nite we had a deep convo l0l . full of wtffff moments ..
** i'm so proud of my Stefane , Marshay , Kamar , Jashari , Gabby and Sam for graduating !! :)
Found some awe_sum stuff on Kanye's bloggggg mannnn! " Kamar ur ntttt a goon , I am ! "
Air Yeezy Spec: (Extended Version) from Samtubia Edwards on Vimeo.
friggin ' kewl commercial !!!!!!!!!!!
i'm slightlyy infatuated with the Yeezy's y0 ! I want the black and pink colorways badlyyyy..
I cant decide if I want two pairs of Nylon Magazine dunks or the Yeezy's ... :/
random pics from Ye's bloggggg ;

Wowwww origami-esque paper Yeezy's who woulda thunk ihttt l0l
omggggg b_dayyyy cake for someone special :)))))
qod is loveeeee .