So i'm just sitting here listening to Look Up at the Stars by Kid Cudi and it made me think of my significant other.
He's just so amazing everytime I think about him I smile and think of the last time I saw him.
I wish that I could see him more often but hey I can do it ")
I wish UNF was in Orlando sometimes lol.
I miss him A LOT, i kinda
think about it sometimes
throughout the day at
school "/ but
i just have to think HAPPY THOUGHTS :)

So this posting is dedicated to everything I love about my life its
just a bunch of random things floating in my mind :)

I think KanYe & Amber Rose are so adorable in every way possible .
I can't say their relationship is perfect yet what they have is beautiful ")

Wowwww; Betsey Johnson is suchhhhh a major inspiration to me.
She isnt afraid to go against the norms to express herself; that is my idea of a job that
seems like doing your hobby every day you wake up!
Her jewelry and purses are my current obsessions ")
Her creations are all wonderful !!!!
**More for later; gotta get dressed for the football gameeee "]