
Sistena :)

A Moment to Catch My Breath.

--Wrote this in creative writing today; this website explains what a "Sistena" is and the format of it as well :)


Enjoy ")

Beautiful memories ethched in my memories of joyful times,
merciless and tormented are the after effects of a lost love.
Sunshine broke through the cloudy days and brought rain to the surface,my face full of sorrow to the naked eye because of the pain.
An awakening is the aftermath which was necaessary to end my labrynth of sorrow.
Waking up from this dream was essential to my destiny.

Deeming all the moments we shared as worthless corrupted our destiny.
Growing up and maturing means there is a moment where one must reminisce on pleasant times,
even if these memories lead to mascara flowing due to the sorrow.
Finding someone you cherish is like telling God who you love,it's like over stepping your boundaries and setting yourself up for internal pain.
Narcissistic, vain, and uncaring were your characteristics brought to the surface,

I couldnt understand why my love for you was like no other and this came to light upon my exterior surface.
All my friends constantly badgered me corrupting what I believed was my destiny,
being naive I began to believe we were meant to love one another despite the pain.
Uncertain of what was to come led to my infantile actions during these times.
Crying myself to sleep like a child who lacks its' mothers' love,
the tears represented the anguish I had come to cope with along with the sorrow.

Unintentionally I put all my feelings on the table with a new love interest to alleviate my sorrow, his beautiful smile is what I remember being the first thing to draw me in from the surface.
His warm words, promising speech, and alluring voice made me believe I had found a friend to love.
At times I wasnt sure if I was meant to be treated like a queen, but then one day I realized it was my destiny.
Destined to have intelligent conversations about our race and what we view as important during these times.
Tranquility is prominent during our time together, an immovable surface;

similar to the pen and paper a writer uses elegantly to express their happiness and pain.
Our ability to connect with eachother makes one thing nonexistant, sorrow.
I began to grow due to the close knit relationship I now cherish during awkward times.
The beauty of our time together is what some may see at the surface.
Yet there is more than the external, what also lies is our destiny,

internally is the belief that I adore because you are like no other love.

Love, an overly used word due to the strength it holds; perfect love,
is impossible yet may come close to happening, with this love, nonexistant is pain.
Our love for eachother grows deeper as the month increase, it seems to be our destiny.
Completely absent is the turmoil which was prominent due to may tears of sorrow.
Undoubtedly he has wiped my pain anew and given me a new outlook internally and on the surface.
In a way my life has been fulfilled with our conversations and attraction to eachother during these times.

Love is quite uncanny, love is ephemeral at times but in reality it may be full of sorrow.
When you find the pain you can learn to let it go; pull it from the surface.
Realizing you are meant for someone is similar to destiny, yet close to a feeling of fulfillment at times.


i swear i would fall in love w. you if i met you today : )

Wow, the first day of 2010 hmmmm. I wonder what this yr. will bring yet I'm totally looking forward to what this yr. may welcome into my life. All the memories I'm leaving behind in 2009 definitely have made me realize exactly who I am today on January 1st, 2010.

Therefore the people I adore and cherish definitely hold a place in my 17 year old heart and nevertheless always will NO MATTER WHAT.. Upon entering another year I find it interesting that people are making new year resolutions that are impossible for them to accomplish. My resolution is to simply mature a bit more emotionally and to also do the best I can during the last six months of my high school education.

Each of my friends have influenced me in a different way through our friendships I have grown and come to understand what friends are for. Its rare that you are blessed with friends who are always there for you through thick and thin.

Renee', Marshay, Jashari, Kamar, Gabby, Stefanie, Qaree, Fae, Billy,Michelle, etc.

--Thanks for being there for me and always being there to cheer me up when Im in one of my moods lol , and also I will always love you !