
blissful intentions .

-I am a very complex individual so before I post the pics of Prom 09' I have to qet this poem out thereee.

"When Will It End ?"

time an unconscious element combined w/ turmoil.

I wonder when we will understand why we cannot aqree upon the dismissal..

it's hard to fathom upon beinq my own self when we were seeminqly one

we broke away without a "qoodbye" ;

an unmeaninqful endinq which wasn't deservinq of the tart taste left in my mouth since' the last time we touched

a love I could only dream of was torn away from me selfishly and left me in a lonely place where I felt as if I was within a surreal world which minimal words can't explain

within my eyes our subconscious reality turned into a niqhtmare which didn't want to end althouqh it needed to; it's hard to say qoodbye when you thouqht it was a fairytale

the happy endinq never came true and you were left alone within your castle anxiously waitinq;

amidst a dreammm ..

1 comment:

  1. ur picture are super cute and i love ur peom
