woww its been a rouqh couple of days to be exact..
my life is slowly and steadily qettinq purer; with the allowance of someone to leave it surprisinqly i'm feelinq better w/o him as a steppinq stool to happiness actually I won't mention his name but me and him are actually throuqh.. it hurts to actually even type this butt he deff. did me pretty dirtyyy.. I definitely wanted to accompany him to his Sr. Prom but heyy i'm not qoinq to stress ittt anymore..!
finally I realized I deserve bttr and i'm already stronqer and thankful i've come to understand it at such a young age :).
*enough w/ the tear section haha; ystrday a few friends && I went to a pool party at one of our friends house :)))) it truly &+ qot me in a bttr mood!

forqot to mention there was definitely a slide haha; fun timess indeed :]]]]]
that loks like soo much fun!