
P R O M :DDD !

- Saturday was a beautiful day all in all ; I woke up and was sliqhtly distracted w/ a matter at hand buttt then I didn't let that ruin my dayy ya know :D

------Nails done, qot my heels &+ clutch then I was rushed home to take a "nap" haha .
Then my fam came over and helped me prepare for my beautiful and qlorious niqht :)

-Numerous pics of the most qorqeous couple at prom !

I felt like such a princess in the dress I decided to wear he was such a qentlemannnn ! :DD

The corsaqe was so pretty ! !



So many cameras! We all didn't know where to look haha

Alonq with my "Lay Lay-ish" friends at the park and etc.

Marshay, Tyler, me, Jashari, &+ Courtney :)

Overall it was qood timesss I love all my friends

&+ I wouldn't have had it any other way :)


  1. you look soo pretty!

    & nice blog!
    check out mine for celeb gossip, fashion, music, photography & much more!!
