
Prom Feverrrr !

Better days are yet to come ! btw my Junior/Senior Prom is Sat. April 18th :))))

--" Sing songy voice" I've qot a prom date hey hey hey heyyyy !

And yet I do he's everything I could've asked for he's sweet, kind, &+ is a qudd friend of mines .

I've been searching for a dress up & down everywhere ( haha that was awkward)

&& so I've been convinced to recycle my dress from my Sweet 16 ; it was an "All White Affair" .

-- Held on 7.12/08 ; here's a pic w/ all my lovesss so you can see the dress :)

pretty 1's

Of course with the dress i'm searching for the perfect companion besides my datee :) a clutch I can't decide which one haha it's pretty sad !

-- I will deff. be posting pics of Saturday :)

1 comment:

  1. cute dress, I like the first and last clutch.
    Depends on what shoes you're wearing.
    Have fun !
